School Health Advisory Council

Shac Meeting Agenda 3-11-24

Excelsior ISD School Health Advisory Council March 13, 2024 8:30 a.m.
Excelsior ISD Administration Office

Agenda Items:

  • Welcome and Call to Order

  • Introduction of Members

  • Approval of Minutes

  • Old Business:

  • Walk Across Texas event

  • New Business:

  • Health and Wellness Fair

  • Open Discussion/Questions

  • Next SHAC Meeting April 10, 2024

  • Adjournment 

Shac Minutes 3.13.24

School Health Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
March 13, 2024

  1. Call to Order

Roni Waller, called to order the regular meeting of the SHAC at 8:48 a.m. on March 13, 2024, at the Excelsior ISD Administrative Office.

  1. Roll Call

The following persons were present:

Megan Adkinson, Nurse
Roni Waller, Principal

  1. Approval of Minutes from last meeting:

Minutes were approved as read.
Motion carried 2 for 0 against.

  1. Old Business:

Spoke with Feleshia Thompson from Texas AgriLife. Excelsior students can begin Walk Across Texas the week of March 18, 2024. Working on getting Excelsior ISD recognized as a “Healthy School”. 

  1. New Business:

  2. Discuss the possibility of a health and wellness fair. 

    1. Megan Adkinson suggested that we hold it on the same night as Meet the Teacher due to the high turnout. She feels we will be able to get the information out to more families this way. 

    2. Community Needs:

      1. Immunization Clinic

      2. Afterschool extracurricular activities

      3. Hope Clinic, TCHATT for mental health needs iv. Texas AgriLife

      4. Alcohol Drug and Council

      5. Local eye clinics

      6. Dental services

  3. Will compile a list and get a plan for outreach services before our next meeting. 

  4. Next meeting will be on April 10, 2024 at 8:30 a.m.

  5. Adjournment

Roni Waller adjourned the meeting at 8:52 a.m.

Link to audio for meeting below

SHAC 3 - 13 - 24

Shac Meeting Agenda 2.7.24

Excelsior ISD School Health Advisory Council 
February 7, 2024 
8:30 a.m. 
Excelsior ISD Administration Office 
Agenda Items: 
1. Welcome and Call to Order
2. Introduction of Members 
3. Approval of Minutes 
4. Old Business: 
a. Approval of Bylaws 
b. Approval of vision, mission, and goals 
5. New Business: 
Guest speakers:  
a. Feleshia Thompson, Shelby County Extension Agent, programs overview b. Jennifer Peoples with TCHATT, program overview 
c. Melanie Patterson with Alcohol & Drug Awareness Council  
6. Open Discussion/Questions 
7. Upcoming Dates for SHAC Meetings 
8. Adjournment

Shac Minutes 2.7.24

School Health Advisory Committee 
Meeting Minutes 
February 7, 2024
I. Call to Order 
Megan Adkinson, called to order the regular meeting of the SHAC at 8:40 a.m. on  February 7, 2024, at the Excelsior ISD Administrative Office. 
II. Roll Call 
The following persons were present: 
Megan Adkinson, Nurse 
Marcus Adkinson, Parent 
Mindi Chavez, Parent  
Rhonda Choate, Parent 
Jennifer Peoples, TCHATT presenter 
Melanie Patterson, ADAC presenter 
Feleshia Thompson, Shelby County Extension Agency presenter 
III. Approval of Minutes from last meeting: 
Minutes were approved as read. 
Motion carried 4 for 0 against. 
IV. Old Business: 
a.) Approval of bylaws, vision, mission, and goals of Excelsior ISD SHAC Committee. Motion was made by Mindi Chavez, seconded by Marcus Adkinson.  
Motion carried 4 for 0 against. 
V. New Business: 
a.) Melanie Patterson discussed the drug prevention curriculum, “Community Kids  and Youth Connection”. It is a ten session curriculum offered during a typical  classroom setting. Offering the curriculum for the 4th, 5th, and 6th graders. In  March, Texas Tobacco Free Kid’s Day. Offer resources on the dangers of tobacco  and vaping. She will be contacting the school to set up a time to speak to the  students. They also provide Fentanyl training and help schools work on the  policy.

b.) Jennifer Peoples, the program manager of TCHATT gave an overview of the  program to address children’s mental health needs. Looks at child’s need to see  if they need additional support outside of the five sessions. If support is still  needed, they will be a liaison to help with more resources. The program is  completely free. Their goal is to promote positive school outcomes, early  interventions, decreased absences, increased access to vulnerable populations, trusting, meaningful and positive environment to promote future success. They  are interested in coming to community outreach events.  
c.) Feleshia Thompson, County Extension Agent. “Walk Across Texas” program  overview. Awards for top teams and top individual walkers. “Learn, Grow, Eat,  and Go” program overview. Consists of ten lessons that align with TEKS, 3rd grade gardening program. Within the program, students participate in a food  demo, taste vegetables, they provide all the supplies. “Color Me Healthy”, ten  lesson program, preschool program that promotes movement and eating  healthy. Discussed 4-H and the areas it covers.  
VI. Adjournment 
Megan Adkinson adjourned the meeting at 9:15 a.m.

EISD Shac Bylaws Vision Mission 1.1

School Health 
Advisory Council (SHAC) 

Excelsior Independent School District Vision Statement, Mission Statement, Bylaws 
SHAC Approved: 
Excelsior Independent School District (EISD) 
School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)
Vision Statement: 
All EISD students will be ensured a safe and healthy learning environment to achieve the highest level of self-esteem and self-control enabling them to reach their full potential. 
Mission Statement: 
The mission of the EISD SHAC is to promote health and wellness for our students, staff, and community. 
The goal of the EISD SHAC is to advise EISD decision-makers regarding students’ needs and assets related to health knowledge and skills, regarding policies and procedures that impact student health, and regarding the health of the school environment. See TAC Education Code 28.004(a) for specific objectives and duties assigned. 
School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Bylaws 
Article I: Statement of Purpose 
To serve as a liaison between the community and school district in ensuring that local community values are reflected in EISD’s health education programs . Article II: Authority 
Section One: Statue and Policy. Each school district in the State of Texas is required in Chapter 28, Subchapter A-K, and Chapter 38.013 of the Texas Education Code, to establish and maintain a district level school health advisory council. The School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) of the Excelsior Independent School District (EISD) is specifically authorized by the Board of Trustees in district policy. 
Section Two: Limitations. The SHAC shall be an advisory body, and shall serve to provide guidance, recommendations, and other assistance to the Board of Trustees as specifically listed in state law and district policy. The SHAC shall have no power to expend public funds, enter into contracts, or otherwise place obligation or liability upon the district. 
Section Three: Bylaws. It shall be the responsibility of the SHAC to establish and amend the bylaws. 
Article III: Responsibilities
According to state law, the SHAC shall have the following responsibilities: A. To hold regular meetings 
B. To provide advice and recommendations/counsel prior to decisions pertaining to the areas of health education curriculum appropriate for specific grade levels and may include a coordinated school health program designed to prevent obesity, cardiovascular disease, and Type ll diabetes through coordination of: health education, physical education, nutritional services, parental involvement, staff wellness, environmental health, mental/emotional wellness, and health services. 
C. To provide recommendations to the Board of Trustees on appropriate grade levels and methods of instruction for human sexuality instruction. 
D. To provide recommendations to the Board of Trustees on the number of hours of instruction to be provided in health education. 
E. To recommend strategies for integrating the curriculum components with the following elements in a coordinated school health program for the district: a. School health services; 
b. Counseling and guidance services; 
c. A safe and healthy school environment; and 
d. School employee wellness 
F. To assist the school district in any other capacity that falls within the guidelines of health, wellness, or physical activity of our students. 
G. To consult regularly with the superintendent and his/her administration regarding planning, implementation, and evaluation of the district coordinated school health program. 
H. To consult with the superintendent and his/her administration in advance of submitting issues, concerns, reports, and recommendations to the Board of Trustees. 
Article IV: Meetings 
Section One: Regular Meetings. The SHAC shall conduct a minimum of four regular meetings per year. If a meeting is canceled, all attempts will be made to reschedule for another day during the month; however, if the meeting is not rescheduled, there will not be a make-up meeting scheduled. 
Section Two: Public Hearings. Public hearings and other meetings with the public will be coordinated through the SHAC Coordinator.
Section Three: Open Meetings. All meetings of the full SHAC shall be open to the public, and the public shall have reasonable opportunity to provide comment. The chair may limit the time given to speakers. 
Section Four: Quorum. A quorum shall be the majority of the current membership. Meetings may still be held without a quorum for purposes of presentations or discussions. However, no actions or voting may take place without a quorum. 
Section Five: Attendance. Member attendance shall be monitored by the Chair, who shall work with members to try and resolve any attendance problems. Members are encouraged to contact the Chairman if they know they cannot attend. A sign-in sheet 
will be used at all meetings to monitor attendance and will be maintained in the district’s SHAC notebook. 
Section Six: Decision-making. Members shall attempt to reach decisions by consensus. However, if a clear consensus cannot be obtained, members shall reach a decision by majority vote. Each member shall be entitled to one vote per item. Proxy voting and absentee ballots shall not be permitted; a member must be present to vote. 
Section Seven: Agendas. Agendas shall be provided for all full SHAC meetings. Agenda items shall be determined by the Chair in consultation with the Coordinator. Article V: Membership 
Section One: Membership Criteria. The membership composition of the SHAC shall comply with the following: 
A. Each member will serve a one-year term and may serve in subsequent years. 
B. Parents must live within the district, not be employed by Excelsior ISD, and must be a custodial parent/guardian of a student currently enrolled in this district school. 
C. The majority of the SHAC members will consist of parents of students currently enrolled in the district, who are not employed by EISD. 
D. The Board of Trustees may also appoint one or more persons from each of the following groups: public school teachers; public school administrators, district students; health care professionals; the business community; law enforcement; senior citizens, clergy, nonprofit health organizations; and local domestic violence programs. 
E. Membership of the SHAC shall strive to reflect the geographic, ethnic, gender and economic diversity of the district.
Section Two: Confirmation by Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees shall annually appoint all members to the SHAC. SHAC members may also solicit and appoint new members with approval of the Board of Trustees. 
Section Three: Size of Council. The SHAC will consist of no more than 20 members and no less than 5 members. 
Article 6: Officers 
Section One: Terms of Service. The SHAC may elect a Chair, Co-Chair, and Secretary, each to serve one year terms. Officers will be selected at the last SHAC meeting of the school year, installing them at the first meeting of the SHAC in the following school year. 
Section Two: Responsibilities.
A. The responsibilities of the Chair and Co-Chair shall be to: 
a. Preside at all meetings of the SHAC, with Co-Chair presiding in the absence of the Chair 
b. Notification of all members of meetings 
c. Work directly with the Coordinator to compile agendas for all meetings of the SHAC 
d. Provide members with agendas and background material prior to meeting e. Prepare sign-in sheets 
f. Designate person to take minutes if secretary is not present or was not appointed 
g. Serve as custodian of all SHAC records 
h. Distribute minutes to all SHAC members 
i. Distribute information to absent members and inform them about missed presentations 
j. Keep track of attendance and possible problems 
k. Solicit new members if vacancies arise and take to the Board of Trustees for approval
B. The responsibilities of the Secretary shall be to: 
a. Preside at meetings when both the Chair and Vice-Chair are absent 
b. Work with the Coordinator to prepare meeting notices, minutes, and arrange the location of the SHAC meetings. 
c. Perform other responsibilities as may be prescribed by the SHAC, which are in accordance with the SHAC’s authorizing statute, district policy, and direction of Board. 
Article 7: Coordinator 
Section One: Purpose. The facilitator of health education or director of health services shall serve as the coordinator for the SHAC. 
Section Two: Responsibilities. The responsibilities of the Coordinator shall include: 
A. Ensuring that adequate facilities arrangements and staff support are secured for all meetings 
B. Providing members and support staff with agendas and background materials prior to meetings 
C. Serving as custodian for all SHAC members 
D. Informing the Chair of member vacancies and attendance problems 
E. Providing such other assistance as requested in accordance with the SHAC authorizing stature, district policy, and the direction of the Board of Trustees.

Link to Audio of Meeting

SHAC 2 - 7-24​​

Shac Meeting Agenda

Shac Minutes

Click below for audio recording of meeting

SH - 7 (5)